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Domaine du Moulin Cassé

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The Colombard makes its appearance!

This new vineyard was planted in 2014, it will be harvested in 2016 for the first time.

Apprentice in wine marketing at the university of Tours, Marion joins the Domaine du Moulin Cassé team for one year

A new product! Cuvée Prestige

Grape variety : It change from year among the different types of red grapes according to their assembly potential.

Description of the wine : after a 6 - 7 month periods in casks, this wine has a light woody hint and a complexity of aromas due to the mixture of different wines.

Best served at ambient temperature or a little warmer.

Food and wine matching : it pairs well with simple dishess like a grill steak but also with grilled meat, venison or meat with sauce.

Packaging : available in 75Cl bottles.

Looking for a Christmas gift?
Here's our Gourmet Box !

For the end of year holidays, why not ry our gourmet box with two types of wine and matching local products.

Come and visit us at the wine cellar to get more information on our range of gourmet local products.

GAEC GUILLONNEAU - Domaine du Moulin Cassé 3 La Bretonnière 44650 LEGE - Phone

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