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Domaine du Moulin Cassé

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The Guillonneau brothers (Didier et Joël) have been managing the property for ten years now. Domaine du Moulin Cassé has been passing on from father to son for 3 generations. It is a family business specialized in viticulture .
It has 23 hectares of vineyard in different areas according to the quality label. The two brothers take great care of the vineyard day after day in order to obtain the best quality wines.

The history of the vineyard:

Didier and Joël's grandfather set up the estate which consisted in various types of cultures as well as breeding. Their father took after him in 1974 and started to specialize in the wine production.
His wife, henriette, was one of the first to be considered under the status of "associate spouse of a farmer". Then, in 1997, the eldest son, Didier, became his associate.
When Michel and Henriette retired in 2006, Joël took after them in the GAEC* and the brothers decided to only produce wine.

*The Groupement Agricole d'Exploitation en Commun is a non-trading partnership allowing farmers in partnership to work together under conditions that are comparable to those existing in family farms.

Sustainable agriculture :

Thanks to the know-how their ancestors passed on, there has been a real evolution in the property for the last 20 years. Respecting the environment and the lands, the Domaine du Moulin Cassé is part oh the Ariane network* in order to use as well as possible the integrated pest control system. For several years now, the upkeep of the vineyard grounds has been changing too. Yhe use of herbicides has been reduced and replaced by one or several mowings during spring.

*The Ariane network collects information on the various factors that can affect the health of the vineyard or the quality of the grape harvests. Then the network disseminates the results and gives pieces of advice to the winemakers so as to help them to adjust the use of treatments.

Good quality products :

After harvesting with machines, the different types of wine are all vinifed on site in the winery. Didier is often in charge of driving the grape harvester and Joël is in charge of the reception of the grape harvest and of the vinification of wine(processing of grape juice into wine). Every year there are analyses done in oder to select the most appropriate dates to harvest. An oenologist come and helps Dider and Joël during the vinification in order to obtain the best quality wines.
Finaly the wines are raised in vats for several months, after that they are filtered and conditioned before being commercialised. Finaly the wines are ready for you to taste and appreciate!

La large gamme de produits que nous vous proposons se décline en différents contenants afin de satisfaire au mieux vos envies.
"L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé. A consommer avec modération!"

GAEC GUILLONNEAU - Domaine du Moulin Cassé 3 La Bretonnière 44650 LEGE - Phone

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